Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wild Strawberries

Above: Woodland Strawberry

California has two native strawberries: Woodland Strawberry (Frageria vesca ssp. californica) and Beach Strawberry (Frageria chiloensis). As you might expect, the woodland strawberry grows especially well in wet lightly shaded areas, it grows fine near turf grass. Beach strawberry can grow in full sun (though in particularly dry years it may need some summer water to look its best), and it can grow in sand or other areas with good drainage.

Beach or Sand Strawberry helps in dune stabilization. Both species have asexual propogation techniques i.e. they form a colony with runners that grow new leaves that attempt to root and then spread on. They can both spread out into a large area, given enough time. Or, a small clump of leaves with incipient roots can be planted in a new location, kept wet and a new plant begins its spread outward.

They both produce white flowers followed by small sweet berries which are certainly edible but you may wish to leave them for the birds who will consider them a real treat. Some birds even eat the leaves of strawberries. Birds that like strawberries include Robins, Quail, Goldfinches, Thrashers, Towhees, and Scrub Jays.

In Central California, both may begin blooming in March or April.

Frageria vesca california grows in the Southwestern U.s., in shady foothills and other locals where shade and moisture give it the habitat it requires.

Besides being native in California, Frageria chiloensis grows natively all along the West coast of South and North America. Folks who like native plants from their own area may especially appreciate those which grow only in their state, or even their very own local, but many of us also appreciate and enjoy those natives that have a broader range of natural growth. Sand strawberry is such a lovely ground cover, I'm glad to know it florishes all up and down the coastline of the Americas.

Below: Beach Strawberry

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